About Rut’d Up
It’s a interesting quote that many outdoor enthusiast will understand and know that exciting times are to come! With It starting out necks Swellin’ on Buglin’ Bulls then progressing to Bucks Chasin’, the most mature ungulates stand out amongst the Mountainous backdrops. A person can show so much gratification for the wildlife which we as outdoor enthusiasts love the most and want the continuation to strive for our children and on!
Here 2 Kootenay born friends create their dream of supplying stylish outdoor enthusiasts apparel to the rest of North America or even the world. Both being passionate about the outdoors and conservation they would love to build a supporting atmosphere within this establishment by helping out in many different ways possible to give back to the outdoors (will keep posted of actions).
May 2021 - First In store products at Wynndel Foods
May 2021 - First In store products at Wynndel Foods
July 2021 - Became Ambassador for Kootenay Elk Hunting Association to support building a healthy Elk population throughout the Kootenays
The valued support from our customers only makes us have a drive to provide more upcoming products continuously with new designs that will catch the eye of many!